Sunday, 7 June 2009

The last one.....

....exam that is, on Monday. Hopefully I can manage to scrape through, as long as I get a pass I will be pleased.

Grandad's funeral has been and gone, it was extremely emotional but totally what he deserved. Guard of honour, standard, last post - he would have been proud to have received it. One of his cards read 'farewell old soldier' and that is how he went. He is now with my Nana and all the others he has missed since they have gone and he is hopefully happy.

The rest of us are just trying to deal with what has happened. It has been hard, emotional and exhausting - very little sleep is being had.....which doesn't help with revising and acheiving those passes that I want !!!!!

On the trying to cheer ourselves up fab husband has got me a greenhouse. Unfortunately it is an extremely wet weekend so still some work to do on it but hopefully the rain will stop soon ?? It is a bit late to get much going but at the moment we have courgettes, aubergines, chillies, lettuce (lots of), tomoatoes, rocket, herbs.....all things we love to eat. I will prove to people - particularly my husband - that I can grow things !!!! and they will taste oh so lovely !!!! Gonna call it Grandads greenhouse after both of my grandads who loved to garden......then maybe it will be filled with their aptitude for successful growing !!!!

Right, signing off now, HAVE to concentrate on some revision.The phones are off/hidden because they haven't stopped for the past week or so and it doesn't help my concentration with so much distraction - I need to don't want to see my phone bills for this month!!!!!
After Monday I should be able to relax a bit and get a grip on things.

Bye x

1 comment:

D@nielle said...

good to hear the funeral was so beautiful and I think it's a good way to look at it, him being with the ones he has missed too long...

Good luck on the last exam, you rock ! holding a job, remodelling a house and studying !