Friday, 27 July 2007

Lovely things

Bad blogger....not though anyone will notice!!!!
Not much happening....apart from rain.
Done a bit of scrappin - two layouts in as many days........someone pick my sister up she may have fainted!!!!!

One day your life is going on its merry way, along the 'normal' direction. You think all is well. Then one day your bubble bursts and you come back to reality and realise that all was not well, far from it. When you wake up from that it is like having a slap across the chops, a kick up the but and a thump in the guts and you wonder and worry where you will be going next. I shouldn't have worried, I ended up in a much better



D@nielle said...

Great lo katja and I notice ;) I check in now and then LOL.

Brigitta said...

lovely LO Katja. I haven't tried to work this size yet and I do notice too you know ;-)

domestic goddess said...

gorgeous LO Katja