Got some lovely pressies.........
a big pile of scrap stash from my sis........which I didn't take photos of before I started attacking it.......woooops.....with some great pop tape and tonic (tim holtz) tools including the scratchy one-you need one of those (well if you like scratchin photo's you do!!)!!!!!! I made this with just a lickle bit if wot she got me. Mojo has done a runner though.........

My friend Nat bought me this gorgeous cup and saucer from http://www.greengate.dk/ - they have some beautiful stuff on there !!!!!

I also got some great pj's.....again no photo yet (unless you want a picture of my laundry pile!!!) from http://www.whitelinen.com/
Spent my birthday week in Holland with Sam and Jo.....bit of a tradition now!!!!! we scrapped a bit, played a bit, went out for nice food, shopped a bit......xx Just sad that you have to say goodbye at the end........
Started another new job on Tuesday.......back where I worked before - all is good so far.
Feeling a bit poo at the mo with my cold that my dad kindly gave me, the deaf ear my cold/dad has given me, my pulled muscle in my neck, my bruised arm from a door and my bruised head from hitting it on some racking at work...............
(NOTE:Skip this if you get easily bored.......Had a pretty poo day (few days really) and unusually for me (they only come once in a while), a bit of a 'feeling maudlin', thoughtful and deep' kind of sideline. I REALLY need to start to keep a journal!!!!!!)
*****appologies if you already read the bit that was here.......but I removed it........bit of a rant really - which I decided was not a public matter!!!!!!!! Not my kinda thing putting it out there for all to see xx Will get over it as I usually do!!!!!!! If you didn't read it - don't worry, you missed nowt, just wanted to point out why it didn't flow.....I temporarily lost my marbles, but I found them again rolling around in a drawer!!*****
I don't think it has helped that we have possibly the FINAL meeting with the fertility doctor tomorrow. As happy-a-face that I put on it (again for the outside world).....it is still very painful to face. We need to discuss what is left for us.....at £3k a go, soon the money runs out. I know God has a plan for us.......would be nice to know what it is though!!!!!!!! Any clues????
I do not wear unhappiness very well, the colour just ain't my thang!!!!!! :o) Big smile.
To cheer me up earlier monkey boy did a Sam impression (that kid always brings a smile to my chops)...........coffee noo-noo???? You need to hear Sam doing the NooNoo bit, true delishousness!!!!!!.........love them both to bits xxxx
Did say I was going to bed an hour ago.........
Thanks for listening........helps to talk (hellloooo invisible people!!!!!!!!)
TaTa 4 now xxxxxx
Hi girlie, Glad you liked all your b-day pressies. Sorry I can't help you on the clue part.....wich I could. Big hug and just keep in mind thinks will turn out fine at the end..xx
hey birthday's tend to make you a bit sad because of all the plans you make each year. At least you were spoild with prezzies and love (I'm sure !) and you're setting sail for new things, some things take longer but it's all in the grandplan for you I guess .... Hey and you are allowed to feel a bit poo and share it with us, that's what blogs are for too you know !
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